Reading skill
Week 7
20 July 2013
It's Time to Give up Smoking!
Most people who smoke say they would like to quit smoking, but when it comes to actual facts, they give up. Why? The reasons are numerous: they have a hard time learning new habits, they worry about gaining weight, but most of all because at first they might feel bad and experience withdrawals. Like any addiction, nicotine is pretty hard to beat, but not impossible.
Even the authorities are helping: "European lawmakers are trying to tighten rules governing the multi-billion dollar tobacco market by imposing bigger and bolder warnings on cigarette packs, banning most flavorings like menthol and beefing up regulation of electronic cigarettes", says an ABC News report. Since treatment for smoke-related diseases costs about $34 billion a year and the EU estimates that there are around 700,000 smoking-related deaths annually worldwide, it makes sense to consider quitting smoking.
"We need to stop tobacco companies from targeting young people with an array of gimmicky products and we need to make sure that cigarette packs carry effective warnings", stated Linda McAvan, the Labour MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, and a spokesperson on tobacco issues for the Parliament's Socialist and Democrat group.
So, here are some tips that will help you in the battle against cigarettes.
1. Establish clear objectives
When it comes to quitting a habit, the first thing you need to think about is motivation: why do you want to smoke? Do you have a health problem? Do you have a relative who passed away due to a smoke-related disease and now you're scared? Are you spending too much money on cigarettes? Do you want to protect your family's health? You need a personal reason and the generic "it's bad for you" will not do the trick.
2. Get help
For some, quitting is easy because they have a strong motivation. But, for others, this process can be really difficult, despite the motivation. Do not be afraid to ask for the support of your family and friends. Ask people who smoke around you not to do that.
3. Find alternative means of relaxation
If you ask a smoker why he smokes, they will likely tell you it helps relieve stress. So, instead of turning to a cigarette when you're feeling angry, try to look for alternative means: breathing exercises, relaxing music, or a walk in the park.
4. Discover new activities
If idle hands are the devil's playground, then you need to keep yourself busy all the time with challenging activities. Help your partner clean the house, take up a hobby, or join a gym. There are so many things you can do in order to stop thinking about smoking.
5. Spend the money you save
When you realize how much money you can save by quitting this habit and that you can afford to buy something that you have wanted for a long time, you will see it really pays off to quit smoking.
Today I practice reading skill by read article, this article about 5 way to give up smoking . Whether you are a real smoker or an occasional one, young or old, it's never too late to quit, even if you have already tried to several times. This 5 way tricks may come in handy
Today I get new knowledge about give up smoking and learned vocabulary and practice reading too.